Fri, Mar. 14 / 06:00 PM

Varsity girls Lacrosse

at Roger Bacon High School

Mon, Mar. 17 / 05:30 PM

JV boys Volleyball

at Lebanon High School

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Varsity boys Volleyball

at Lebanon High School

Tue, Mar. 18 / 06:00 PM

Varsity girls Lacrosse

at Anderson High School

Tue, Mar. 18 / 06:00 PM

Varsity boys Lacrosse

vs. Wyoming High School


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Spring Sport Yearbook

Posted on: April 21, 2020


Dear fellow spring athletes,

We know that we are in the midst of some troubling times right now. Unfortunately, with Governor DeWine’s announcement yesterday, it seems that we will not be returning for our spring season or the school year. Even though we were unable to compete the way we hoped, your teams deserve to be recognized for all of your hard work and dedication. 

As members and Editors of the yearbook staff, we would like to do something special for all of the athletes who are unable to finish off this season. During your time at home, we are asking that EVERY spring sport athlete take a picture of themselves, either in your uniform or your team spirit wear, for us to use in the yearbook. We are planning a very special section in the yearbook for you all, as you deserve the recognition, as spring athletes, but also as leaders who are staying united and hopeful during these crazy times. 

We know this is short notice, but we really hope you can help us make this ‘vision’ a reality. We would like your picture in by MAY 1, as we need time to design these pages and get them to print. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from submitting a photo by this date, please reach out to us, and we will try our best to accommodate your needs. 

Also, we are asking that you send us any pictures that you took before this season was cut short. We are determined to feature as much of spring sports as we can, but we need your help!

You can email all of the pictures to or

Stay strong, and keep playing. We will all get through this together!

Thanks, and stay safe, 

Olivia Lang and Avery Anderson

The Caledonian Sports Spread Staff & Editors